The executive has trespassed upon the sacred ground of our Parliament in order to arrest an MP who has pledged under Oath to support the British Constitution. The Speaker has betrayed those sacred privileges granted to MP’s that have been granted by the British people to their representatives in Parliament. None is above the law and neither is the Executive who are required to prove to the Speaker that an MP has broken the law by producing a Police Warrant for arrest before entering the House of Commons. They did not do so and the British Constitution has been violated in a manner that rivals in significance the intrusion of Charles I. Members of the public are becoming more aware that their liberties and freedoms are fast disappearing as the Surveillance Society becomes implanted without our knowledge or consent. The UK has the largest number of surveillance cameras of any EU nation and the obsessional activity of data capturing by the government moves on unimpeded under the guise of security and personal protection. A public clamour is arising as a result.
Politicians including David Cameron and Kenneth Clarke are suggesting the time has come to introduce a Bill of Rights in order to protect the constitutional position of the UK. But why? Are these people not aware that the British Constitution is supported with a perfectly good Bill of Rights of 1689 already? The fact that a coach and horses has been driven through it by recent governments of various colours make it no less valuable.
The present political mess is as a result of either ignorance or political chicanery. The 50th Anniversary of the EU is remarkable inasmuch as a sovereign nation such as the UK has endured what is in effect a treacherous conversion into a republic without the coarse voice of tumult being raised in anger.
Today we hear that the influence and power of the ancient Privy Council is to be removed in order to complete the task of what is in effect an irreversible sterilisation of the powers of the Monarch. Our ancient democracy composed of the three great estates of the Monarchy, the Aristocracy (House of Lords) and the Democracy (House of Commons) refined and improved over a millenium in the form of the British Constitution is today a eunoch. An historic achievement of political opportunists and knaves who have betrayed the British people. What is needed is another REFORMATION.